Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Daily Mass & the Eucharist

The pastor in my local parish is also the pastor for a nearby town. I called him there this morning, and the church secretary said he was on his way to give the Mass where I live. So I just went to Mass today and spoke with him afterward. I was glad, because I was out of town over the weekend and didn't make it to church. The daily Mass is only about 20 minutes long, as opposed to about 50 minutes on Sunday. There was no music and only a small gathering of people. Yet it was what I needed today, just to be in church and turn my attention to the presence of God as much as possible. Although I have not been through RCIA yet and so cannot take the bread and wine of the Eucharist, I still go through the line and receive a blessing. I can feel the Real Presence even though I can't eat and drink of it, and I believe that I receive Jesus because of my intention.

When a person joins Alcoholics Anonymous or Al-Anon, members encourage him to go to 90 meetings in 90 days. In a city like Columbus where I used to live, that could be done fairly easily, as there are meetings at every time of day. I used to go to Al-Anon on my lunch breaks. How fortunate Catholics are that we can attend Mass every day if we so desire, even in rural areas and small towns. Some are very early in the morning, so one could go before work. I don't discourage anyone from attending a 12 Step meeting if it helps him or her. But for the most profound healing and the ultimate closeness to God, nothing can compare with the Eucharist. I desire it so much that it takes all the patience I have in me to wait. But even if you aren't Catholic, just being there in church, reminding you to be conformed to Christ (and through Mary if you wish), is going to strengthen your faith, bless you, and keep you from temptation. Try daily Mass, in addition to Sundays, as often as you can. What a difference 90 consecutive days partaking in the Real Presence of our Lord would make! Jesus within you, all around you, and in all things. 

Then Jesus said to them, "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. For My flesh is food indeed, and My blood is drink indeed. He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood abides in me, and I in him" (John 7: 53-56). Jesus says nearly the same thing four times in a row, so that the point cannot be missed. Whenever He was being metaphorical, Jesus always explained His symbolism (ie., building one's house upon the rock alludes to faith rather than a physical dwelling place). He does not ever suggest that He is comparing one thing to another, and so the blood and flesh here is literal. Since He said at the Last Supper, "This is my body" when He broke the bread, and "This is my blood" when He poured the wine, it can be taken no other way than that the bread and wine are miraculously transformed into the body and blood of Christ. Here is your one, true source of power,  healing, and spiritual nourishment!

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